If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase for any reason, please write to us at with your order number and we will provide you with the necessary return shipping information. Also include the reason for return, and if you would like to make an exchange. You have 14 days from the receipt of your order to return any products. You must retain the receipt of the return shipment until the product is received and refunded by Njörd Running.
Please ensure that all items are returned clean, unworn, with their tags, and in the original packaging. Any faulty item can be returned. Any non-faulty items that are not in a condition suitable for resale (i.e. washed, soiled, or damaged), will not be refunded and be sent back to you. If the item has been used, a specific assessment will be made as to whether the item can be sold to another customer.
We'd love your feedback about our product and why it did not live up to your expectations, so we can improve and offer an even better product to you in the future.